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After School Care

Statesville Christian School offers after-school supervision for students in grades K-12 until 5:30 PM. No after-school supervision is available when the school is closed for holidays, for ½ days or at specified times announced in advance by SCS.

Elementary After Care Program for Grades K-5

SCS provides the After-Care Program in the Elementary Building (Western Avenue Baptist Church) until 5:30 pm each day, except for 1/2 days. Any student not picked up during dismissal time will automatically be taken to After-Care.

A snack is provided daily, by SCS for those attending After-Care at 3:30 pm. Students entering After-Care after this time should have packed a snack from home if the parent/guardian wishes for the student to eat during After-Care. Examples of such occasions are attending an ACSI event or field trip that plans to return after that time or participating in an on-campus athletic lesson / athletic practice arranged through our Elementary Sports Liaison.

After-Care is billed monthly through the SCS Business Office. The cost for this service is $9.00 daily. A fee of $15.00 per 10-minute increments will be applied for any student remaining beyond the 5:30 pm closing. Please be advised that the expectation is for every student to be picked up before or by 5:30 pm sharp. If a student remains after 5:30 pm twice in any given 9-week period (report card quarter), a letter will be sent to the parent/guardian to remind of this. If a student remains after 5:30 pm for a third time during that same 9-week period, the child will not be permitted to use this service until the parent/guardian has met with the Elementary Principal to prove sufficient evidence that the problem can be/has been remedied.

We do understand emergency changes in your ability to pick up in a timely manner can occur. In these instances, since the Elementary Office is closed by 3:30 pm, please contact Hannah Parks, Elementary After-Care Director at

Middle School After School Supervision for Grades 6-8

After School Supervision is available for Middle School Students who remain on campus after 3:10 pm for any reason. It is held in the Miller Building, Cafeteria, until 5:30 pm. The cost of the program is $9.00 per day. School Supervision fees are billed monthly through your FACTS account. This program is also intended to meet the needs of Middle School Athletes who are waiting for practices or competition to begin. Program cost for in-season athletes is included in athletic fees paid at the beginning of each season and will not be billed for After School Supervision. Athletes who are not picked up from a sporting practice and who are remaining on campus, must go to After School Supervision in the Miller Building Cafeteria. These Athletes will be billed $9.00 for the cost of the program.

A fee of $15.00 per 10 minute increments will be applied for any student remaining beyond the 5:30 pm closing. Please be advised that the expectation is for every student to be picked up before or by 5:30 pm sharp. If a student remains after 5:30 pm twice in any given 9-week period, a letter will be sent to the parent/guardian to remind them of this. If a student remains after 5:30 pm for a third time during that same 9-week period, the child will not be permitted to use this service until the parent/guardian has met with the Upper School Principal to prove sufficient evidence that the problem can be/has been remedied.

We do understand emergency changes in your ability to pick up in a timely manner can occur. In these instances, since the Upper School Office is closed by 3:30 pm, please contact Hannah Parks, Upper School After-Care Director

High School After School Study Hall for grades 9-12

This supervised study hall, located in the Miller Building, Cafeteria, is available for students in grades 9-12 who remain on campus after 3:10 pm for any reason. This study hall is primarily intended to meet the needs of athletes who are waiting for practices or competition to begin and for other students who may be waiting to observe athletic competitions. Program cost is $9.00 per day (billed monthly through your FACTS account) for all non-athletes. Program cost for in-season athletes is included in athletic fees paid at the beginning of each season. Athletes who are not picked up from a sporting practice and who are remaining on campus, must go to After School Study Hall in the Miller Building, Cafeteria. These Athletes will be billed $9.00 for the cost of the program.

A fee of $15.00 per 10 minute increments will be applied for any student remaining beyond the 5:30 pm closing. Please be advised that the expectation is for every student to be picked up before or by 5:30 pm sharp. If a student remains after 5:30 pm twice in any given 9-week period, a letter will be sent to the parent/guardian to remind of this. If a student remains after 5:30 pm for a third time during that same 9-week period, the child will not be permitted to use this service until the parent/guardian has met with the Upper School Principal to prove sufficient evidence that the problem can be/has been remedied.

We do understand emergency changes in your ability to pick up in a timely manner can occur. In these instances, since the Upper School Office is closed by 3:30pm, please contact Hannah Parks, Upper School After-Care Director at