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Kyle Teeter (Chairman)
What does Statesville Christian School mean to you?
I have 4 daughters at Statesville Christian school. I am grateful for a school that partners with families to see young people grow in their relationships with Jesus Christ. I value the commitment of leadership and staff to instill a biblical worldview in our children. SCS is preparing them for a world that increasingly needs their Christ-like example and demands their ability to defend the faith. SCS provides an environment where our children can grow spiritually and academically, while developing friendships and mentors that will serve them well beyond their years of formal schooling. I thank God that our students, tomorrow's leaders, are rooted in the truth of the gospel and find their identity in Christ alone.
Ephesians 2:4-5
But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us, even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ – by grace you have been saved
Amanda Teeter (Vice Chair/Secretary)
What do you believe about Christian education?
In partnership with Christian families, Christian education gives students the opportunity to obtain a Biblical worldview as they grow, learn, develop, and become the next generation of leaders in society. A Christian school environment that nurtures these efforts can provide safety from worldly influences that are counter to God and His Word and demonstrate Christ-like love to its students. Christian school education helps to equip students with confidence in understanding absolute truth from God's Word, as well as sharpen their minds and talents to boldly and unashamedly defend God's Word and Christian values to the culture. I believe students can also learn what it means to be the hands and feet of Jesus as they serve the communities in which they live. Romans 1:16 For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ, because it is the power of God that brings salvation to everyone who believes…
Jimmy Menis (Treasurer)
What do you want SCS students to learn about life?
My desire is for every SCS student graduate in order to have the knowledge that Jesus is the key to everything they will face in life. Their relationship with Jesus will provide them with the ability to face the difficult things they will encounter. Life is not always easy, however, Jesus and their relationship with him will carry them through the most difficult and scary things they will face. They will learn a lot of different things in their classes, which they will need, but the most important thing is they are better Christians for having been at SCS.
Christian Campbell
What do you feel is the most important part of Christian education?
All truth is God's truth and God's Son, Jesus is the apex of truth, wisdom, and God's revelation to man. Christian education at its core is the training of young men and women to behold King Jesus in every aspect of life. This training takes place specifically in the context of academics, athletics, student conduct, extracurricular activities, and friendships. Likewise, students should be prepared following graduation to enter colleges, workplaces, communities, and their homes gladly and joyfully articulating the good news of the gospel. While reflecting constantly on their need for God's grace in Christ, while also thoughtfully defending biblical values and Scripture. Local churches need men and women dedicated to a pattern of discipleship, humbly serving and diligently leading in the kingdom of God, I can think of no other forum that provides such a strong foundation to spring off of than education under committed Christ following teachers and administrators in a culture of grace and truth that defined our Lord. John 1:14, “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us. We observed his glory, the glory as the one and only Son from the Father full of grace and truth.”
Elizabeth Cline
What is the mission of SCS in your own words?
The mission of Statesville Christian School is three fold. First, Statesville Christian aims to produce individuals with high academic achievement which in turn will enable students to competitively pursue their goals of furthering their education, or pursuing their career aspirations. Second, the mission of the school is to develop followers of Christ who can continue a meaningful walk as a Christian and Christian “influencer” ( sharing the love of Christ with others) after they leave SCS . Finally, I see Statesville Christian has a mission to teach students to be contributors to society, positive influencers, philanthropist, and overall kind humans. Their mission is to develop individuals whose actions reflect the love of Jesus through daily deeds including volunteerism, interactions with others, and community involvement and leadership. Statesville Christian School is truly preparing the next generation of young Christian leaders .
Let no one despise you for your youth, but set the believers an example in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith, in purity. – 1 Timothy 4:12
Posey Swope
What do I hope graduates of Statesville Christian graduate with?
I hope graduates of Statesville Christian emerge with a strong academic curiosity that will fuel their journey of finding a satisfying career where their gifts are utilized and challenged and a relentless desire to structure their lives around the gospel. As new graduates, the responsibility to take ownership of their Christian faith will be solely their own. Yet, they have been equipped for this very moment through an intentionally comprehensive Christian education. Every aspect of their education at Statesville Christian has been curated to reflect the gospel, so that the gospel will remain a lifelong grounding source. Their Christian education began with the concepts they studied, and it flowed through the examples set by teachers, coaches, and administrators. Students may not even register that they are observing these familiar adults but being surrounded by adult Christian examples will shape, influence, and affect the decisions facing them. And their Christian education was reinforced through conversations with fellow students as they collectively wrestled with weighty ideas. These conversations bond students together and each becomes a resource for the other. These friendships reinforce comradery which serves as a source of strength to continue in their Christian faith. Statesville Christian graduates will continue to grow, develop and mature throughout their lives. They will draw on the intentional Christian community they have already been steeped in, and they will be ready to embark into the world to find the places and communities that God has prepared for them.
Connie Todd
What do I want the students to learn about life?
Students should leave SCS having learned that Christ is the only solid foundation for their lives, One they can trust and put their faith in. They should leave having learned how to run all subjects in school and life through the lens of Scripture and match their lives with the Lord’s principles, living and serving Him for His kingdom.